09 January, 2013

#Unfit2BTied - The Vasectomy Live-Tweets

From December, 2011:

It being my first vasectomy, I didn't know what to expect…aside from wanting to tweet the event, of course.

To read this properly, begin at the bottom and work your way up through the document.

I did not think to capture these until a while afterward, and I think I may have missed a few, but whatteva.

The Tweets:

ebsewi ebsewi 
@vlmedina To be clear, the 'blows out the gunk' comment was with regard to positive #writing effects & not the #Unfit2BTied thread.
ebsewi ebsewi 
Too soon for the standing desk apparently. A day of pillows commences. #Unfit2BTied
ebsewi ebsewi 
To those of you who Facebook-poked me today, know that I am not allowed to poke you back for several days, per doc's orders. #Unfit2BTied
ebsewi ebsewi 
And before I take a tweet break, my final #Unfit2BTied (or is it?): Go forth and DIVIDE BY ZERO ERROR
ebsewi ebsewi 
For some reason I'm feeling less of an affinity with bunnies.#Unfit2BTied
ebsewi ebsewi 
A friend advised an underwear-based supporter from the hockey store. Was going to buy it but it didn't come with a goalie mask. #Unfit2BTied
ebsewi ebsewi 
When I retire I'm thinking a return to the work force as a surrogate is now off the table. #Unfit2BTied
ebsewi ebsewi 
Whoever started "No White After Labor Day" was a frickin' prophet. #Unfit2BTied.
ebsewi ebsewi 
1 more for the playlist-end: 'Swing low, Sweet Chariot'/'Lay Down Sally' mash-up. #Unfit2BTied
ebsewi ebsewi 
Those worms from Dune were awesome. I wonder if they minded those hooks. #Unfit2BTied
ebsewi ebsewi 
That couple with 19 kids can afford to expect less, proportionately, from each kid. #LoweredExpectations #Unfit2BTied
ebsewi ebsewi 
"So, what attracted you to this line of work, Doc? Moments like this, or the money?" #Unfit2BTied
ebsewi ebsewi 
I wonder why no one offers me giblets at Thanksgiving. Always dug 'em as a kid. #Unfit2BTied
ebsewi ebsewi 
Should have worn a big red nose & brought a buzzer. #Unfit2BTied #Operation
ebsewi ebsewi 
"Expect a brief prick." Sounds like my mother-in-law's advice to my wife. #Honeymoon #Unfit2BTied
ebsewi ebsewi 
Humming "It's Cold Outside" & thinking I should have made a playlist. #Unfit2BTied #Pandora
ebsewi ebsewi 
Should have worn shades. Feeling naughty when I make eye contact #Unfit2BTied #CatholicUpbringing
ebsewi ebsewi 
Is it inappropriate to ask my doctor what scent he is wearing? #Unfit2BTied
ebsewi ebsewi 
Entering the building. I had expected thunder & lightning. Seems too cheery. #Unfit2BTied

Live-Tweeting, during the procedure, begins above this line.

ebsewi ebsewi 
Off to bed, People. Look for #Unfit2BTied around 10:30AM CT/ 4:30PM Greenwich time 2011-12-23 for my live reporting from my vasectomy.
ebsewi ebsewi 
#Unfit2BTied will be thoughts that occur to me during my vasectomy but they may not be directly related. 2011-12-23 apx 10:45 AM CT forward

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