28 March, 2011

RoboForm v7 Supports Firefox 4 - Upgrade Options for v6 Users

    Long time readers of this blog know of my affinity for RoboForm, the password and identify tool.  [Yes, I still have no official or monetary connection to RoboForm, so this posting is NOT an ad].

    I recently upgraded to Firefox 4, and to my dismay, realized that my RoboForm toolbar no longer functions within Firefox.  Per RoboForm's site, version 6.x will not support Firefox 4, and one must upgrade to RoboForm v7 in order to get Firefox 4 to work with RoboForm.

    And thus the age-old dilemma.  Should I revert to Firefox 3.6x?  Should I revert to using Internet Explorer as my default browser (in which RoboForm v6 still works fine)?  Should I buy the updated RoboForm?  [And no, Neither Safari nor Chrome offer enough RoboForm compatibility to be viable options; the RoboForm bookmark applet is not robust enough for my needs.]

    Being a supporter of RoboForm, I think I will choose the upgrade route.  Look for updates to this posting as I pursue this.

    To help get you started, I provide the 'Upgrade from v6 to v7' link, as follows:  https://secure.roboform.com/php/pums/pums_usrlogfrm_upgrade.php

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