07 September, 2008

Recent Gaming Activities

I've been console gaming since my brother's original Pong game. Yep. Sounds cliche'd, but there it is. Got my Atari 2600 around 1981, an Apple ][+ the following year (getting me into the world of PC gaming), and I'll skip all the stages since then, but culminating with my current assortment of PS2, PS3 (personal favorite), GameCube, Wii, NintendoDS, and my dual-core PC.

Currently playing...

PC: HALO: Combat Evolved (original but patched), Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter, Second Life (if one can even call it a game)

PS3: Warhawk (Just started last night), Splinter Cell: Double Agent

Next Project...

Now that I've got all my router ports configured for the latest games, and an MTU adjustment to prevent my router from dropping packets, I'm going to turn my attention to getting HALO2 to run in XP (designed only for Vista). I hear it can be done.

The Gamecube and Wii belong to the kids, and aside from an extremely rare occurrence when we play together, I play nothing on them. Cool boxes though.

I've got an old-school DS, pre-LITE, and I don't use it. I'm thinking of selling it...but it's tough, cuz I won't get much for it, and the trade-in value, for a DS Lite, is not really worth it...unless I can convince myself I'd use the Lite.

That's about it from the gaming scene. So, a shout-out to all you fellow gamers, and I'll see you in-world.

Related Links
http://www.microsoft.com/games/PC/halo.aspx - Description of the game and related links.
http://www.microsoft.com/games/halo/downloads.aspx - You can download a functional demo of the game.

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