17 May, 2012

Seeking Information Regarding Online Chat Support


I need information regarding what online chat tools you and/or your organization use to support your clients/customers.  Some things in which I am interested:

; Name of service

; Do you host the solution or outsource it?

; What is your staffing model?  I.e., do phone staff support online chat or do you have a separate staff for online support?

; Are you happy with the service?  What would you change for the better?

Thank you in advance for any information.

Please post your responses to this post.  Thanks much!

Liquid Direction

Awaking to whiteness
Vague shapes surrounding
Sense of form, structure
Scuttling away before nearly grasped
Sip, ingest
Swallow, breathe
Center found, growing to encompass
Coffee is the laser pointer to the white board that is life.