Two visits and counting, and the best cuts I've had in years.
After the trimming is done, one is turned around, and lowered for the wash. The removal of the hot face towel, after the scalp massage, is a rebirth, an emergence from baptism into a fluorescent world where Sports Center HD and Indian motorcycle wall art are one's spiritual guides. Blinking, one is lead to the gates of the cash register, willingly parting with one's earthly treasures, for they no longer matter, other than to contribute the continuance of the local environment, a worthy cause. Exiting, one almost feels guilty feeling so good. 'Can I drive, or do I need to settle down with a trip to GameStop, to collect myself and ensure my feet are actually on the ground?', one wonders, observing passers-by and lamenting their unfortunate non-Hair Housed states of non-grace. The drive home is ultimately performed by an upgraded human, with heightened senses and quicker reaction times. One wonders if, while the towel was on, one's nervous system was enhanced, as a bonus service thrown in, like the jars of peanuts in the waiting area.
It just may be that The Men's Hair House is improving the human animal AND preventing car accidents. No doubt, there are likely positive implications for a reduction in global warming.
I recommend you all get there immediately and do your part for your species and planet. Add their number to your contact list, schedule an appointment, or simply walk-in. All are welcome in the light. Go toward the light, Children....
And thanks, Courtney, for another fine haircut.